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The striped bass (Marone saxatilis), also called Atlantic striped bass, striper, linesider, pimpfish, rock or rockfish, is the state saltwater(marine) fish of New York, New Jersey, Virginia and New Hampshire, state fish for Maryland, Rhode Island and South Carolina.
Striped bass are native to the Atlantic coastline of North America from the St. Lawrence River into the Gulf of Mexico to approximately Louisiana. They are anadromous fish that migrate between fresh and salt water. Spawning takes place in fresh water.
Striped bass are of significant value for sport fishing, and have been introduced to many waterways outside their natural range. A variety of angling methods are used, including trolling and surf casting with top water lures a good pick for surf casting, as well as bait casting with live and deceased bait. Striped bass will take a number of live and fresh baits, including bunker, clams, eels, sandworms, herring, bloodworms, mackerel, and shad, with the last being an excellent bait for freshwater fishing.
The largest striped bass ever taken by angling was an 81.88 pound specimen taken from a boat in Long Island Sound, near the Outer Southwest Reef, off the coast of Westbrook, Ct. The all tackle world record fish was taken by G. Myerson on the night of August 4, 2001.
Recreational bag limits vary by state and province.
The Lady Reelers